Coaching Programs

No matter if you are gearing up to take on your first triathlon or hoping to qualify for Ironman, a customized program will be created for each athlete.

No Limits specializes in coaching athletes for 70.3 or full Ironman distance events.

The number of athletes taken into the program is small thereby ensuring individual attention and personal commitment.

The criteria for acceptance into the program is someone who is passionate about triathlons and has a strong desire for improvement.

There are different levels of coaching. 

Map to Triathlon Program (no training plan)

Level 1 - includes Map to Triathlon Program + Group Training Plan

Level 2 - includes Map to Triathlon Program + Customized Training Plan

Level 3 - includes Map to Triathlon Program + Customized Training Plan + one 1 on 1 session /month

Level 4 - includes Map to Triathlon Program + Customized Training Plan + 4 1 on 1 sessions /month

The 1 hour one on ones are a valuable time for you to meet with the coach. The meetings can be used to review training, analyze your technique (swim, bike or run), race plan/review, complete a workout with the coach or discuss anything triathlon related. Meetings can take place in person, over the phone, or via Skype or Face Time.

Program Levels

No Limits Offers 4 Levels of Coaching

Map to Tri


Our basic plan gives you access to the popular Map to Triathlon Membership

Level 1


Access to Map to Triathlon + Group Training Plan


Level 2


Access to Map to Triathlon + Customized Training Plan 

Level 3


Access to Map to Triathlon + Customized Training Plan + One 60 min 1 on 1 per month

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