Monday Night Club Ride

Join Coach Todd and ride to a new bike course each week live on Fulgaz.

 Monday evenings at 7:00pm MST Class 

Starts Sep 18 Ends Dec 19 Cost $225

Online Spin Class

Ride with No Limits each week starting on the week of Sep 21 for a 1 hour online spin class. 

14 Classes. 

Available online until Jan 1 , 2024.

Wednesday Night Run Club

Run with No Limits every Wednesday for a fun and challenging workout. Runs will vary between Intervals, Hills, Fartleks and LSD paced runs.

Saturday Brick Class

Start date Sep 23 (8:00am – 9:30am) Last class on Dec 16 Cost $295 (gst included). 

Location – No Limits Zoom Room. 

Note: Todd will not hosting on Oct 7 and 14 due to Kona camp

Thursday Evening Swim Class

Sep 21 – Dec 21. Thursday evening 7:00 – 8:00pm. Cost $320 (GST included) 

Location:  Brookfield Residential YMCA. 

Private Swim Session

Cost $157.5 for 1 hour (GST included)

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