2020 No Limits Brick Class Info Page

- A video about the class (great for first timers).
- A list for what to bring to class.
- Class waiver (required for 2019 – 2020 classes)
- Address: Glamorgan Church – 4715 – 45 Street SW Calgary, AB T3E 3W5
- My cell: 403-990-0523
Thank you very much and please email me if you have any questions. Coach Todd[/text_block]

Bike Trainer + Front wheel block (or telephone book)
Bike Shoes
Bike clothes (shorts and top)
Water bottles (with some sort of drink- water / sports drink) I like Heed
Energy – in the form of gels, bars or real food (bananas etc)
Towel to dry off before the run
Heart Rate monitor (not absolutely necessary)
Pumps will be avail
Spare Tube (yes we sometimes get flat tires in class)
Correct Skewer for your trainer (swap yours out before class)
Running shoes
Shorts, pants or tights
Underwear (yes sometimes we have runners who forget this on a cold day)
Shirt or shirts (layered for cold days)
Neck or face warmer (depending on weather)
Some quick energy (gels or other)
HR monitor or watch with pace[/text_block]

Class Waiver
Please click on the following link to complete a very short waiver. Note that this must be completed before your first class.
Thank you,